Woman discovers snake infestation in new house

Woman discovers snake infestation in new house

An American discovered that the new house was already inhabited by a horde of snakes. Amber Hall says that even after the animals are removed, she and her two children cannot live indoors without fear.

The single mom said she was excited about buying her first new home in the state of Colorado, but within days of moving, she knew something was wrong. She began noticing the family dog ​​walking cautiously through certain areas like the kitchen and garage and took this as a warning.

“I was unpacking here when one of my dogs crouched down and walked very slowly to this corner. I thought maybe it was a spider, whatever. “I got closer and when I got there I saw the snake slithering over the wall,” Hall said. “I started looking and there were more and more snakes.”

Amber found the first hanging on a door, and soon after found more hanging on a particularly hot wall. Within two weeks in the dream house, she found ten snakes hiding in crevices in the walls and ceiling.

So far, the family has spent about $1,000 (about 5,000 reais, at current prices) to hire a snake rescuer. According to the technician, due to the size of the animals, it is possible that some snakes have been living in the house for two years.

The situation is still not fully resolved as the real estate agent who sold the home said she was unaware of the issue at the time of the sale. But now neither she nor her children can sleep or finish cleaning the house for fear of new hidden snakes. “I can’t unpack my stuff because I’m definitely scared of snakes in or under the boxes,” Amber said in the interview.

Snake infestations in the new house: fear and insecurity (Photo: Fox/Reproduction)