Woman foils the theft of her car killing one of

Woman foils the theft of her car, killing one of the attackers

A woman shot and killed a robber in self-defense who was trying to drive away in her car, police said. Las Vegas, snowfallIn the United States.

According to the victim, she and a companion had parked near a friend’s house while waiting to enter the dinner party to kick off the celebration Thanksgiving, the last November 19th. But suddenly a vehicle stopped in front of them and prevented their free movement.

The woman decided to come out of hiding until the police arrived at the scene. Photo: KSNV

Two men got out of the vehicle, pointed at them and yelled at them to get out of the car. While the injured woman was trying to process what had happened, one of the attackers opened her door and forced her into the driver’s seat and flee.

But the thief did not expect the vehicle to start under the modality Push to startso the woman used the moment of confusion and distraction to grab the gun he had in his lap and gestured for her friend to run away.

According to the police report, the man from whom he had taken his gun fell onto his back. It was in this fight between the two that the woman shot him and ran to hide in the courtyard of an adjacent house to avoid the projectiles that the other thief began shooting.

Jaylin Morrison has been arrested for attempted robbery. Photo: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

In her statement, the young woman said she did not leave her accommodation until she heard the police siren. He told officers he thought he heard one of the suspects say his friend had been shot. The suspected thief was found dead after being shot in the head.

It was not until December 2 that officers found and arrested the other thief, identified as Jaylin Morrison. The arrest papers say he faces charges of second-degree kidnapping, conspiracy to commit robbery, attempted robbery with a deadly weapon, robbery using a deadly weapon and attempted grand larceny of a vehicle. The woman, for her part, was not charged.