Woman gives birth to giant baby in Brazil Today

A woman gave birth to a giant baby in Brazil! “Little” Angerson was 59 cm tall at birth and weighed 7.3 kg.

In Brazil, the biggest baby ever born in the state of Amazonas was born. The boy’s name is Angerson and he was 59 cm tall at birth and weighed 7.328 kg.

The child’s mother, Cleidiane Santos dos Santos, originally planned to give birth to her child naturally. However, the Parintins clinic reported that her son was already very big.

“I thought it was four kilos”

Eventually, the boy was born by caesarean section. “I thought it was four kilos, but it turned out to be seven kilos”, said the mother to “O Globo”.

And again: “I don’t know what would become of me if it weren’t for them.” Despite his size, Angerson is a healthy child. It is said that the reason for his size is his mother’s diabetes.

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