Woman goes to hospital with back pain and suspected gallstones

Woman goes to hospital with back pain and suspected gallstones and gives birth to a 4.5 kg baby

When she went to the hospital for back pain, 24yearold Ceira Sutherland gave birth. In Scotland, the woman was surprised to find out she was pregnant nine months and that the pain he felt was not due to gallstones either, but rather to the Start of labor.

Ceira gave birth to 10pound Amelia Aitken. She said she did not suspect the pregnancy as she had no signs of it and even believed she had menstruated six weeks before the girl’s due date.

She was also diagnosed Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which could make pregnancy more difficult. Ceira reveals that because she didn’t know about the pregnancy, she had been going out at night for the last few months and drinking with friends as normal.

“We hadn’t even thought about having children. Because I have PCOS, I was told from a young age that I might not even be able to have children. So it was a complete surprise. Since we used condoms every time, the surprise was even bigger. Children were something we both wanted, but not for a while.”

The first pain

11 hours before going to the hospital, the woman was at work and began to experience back pain. The symptoms worsened and she and her husband went to the emergency room.

First she was given painkillers and returned home. The pain increased and she returned to the hospital. Doctors still believed there might be something wrong with Ceira’s gallbladder, but weren’t sure how severe the pain she was feeling was.

Professionals collected the patient’s urine and informed her that she was pregnant. Because of her recent menstruation, doctors assumed the pregnancy had just begun.

It wasn’t until the next day, when a nurse was doing a final exam on Ceira, that she saw the baby’s head and urgently took her to a delivery room.

“It was a crazy rush to get me to the maternity ward. There were many doctors waiting for me in this room. I thought it was a small baby and didn’t know if it was of survival age. As soon as I went into labor and her head was out, they said, “This is clearly not a 20week baby,” the patient said.

She had already been pregnant for nine months and said she hadn’t felt anything during that time: “All the doctors said it was a miracle because they told me I couldn’t have children because of my PCOS,” she said.