Woman with a phobia of Christmas decorations can celebrate the date for the first time in 20 years Extra

They are 20 years without a Christmas party🇧🇷 With Phobia of Christmas decorationsHannah Slater, 26 years old, I threw up just looking at her🇧🇷

The resident of London (England) suffered from her extreme phobia for two decades and got to the point where she couldn’t even do her Christmas shopping for fear of seeing decorations.

But in order not to disappoint her boyfriend for another year this year, Hannah decided, with professional help, to face the phobia and successfully overcome it, the Daily Mirror reported.

“The fear only gets worse every year. My heart is racing, breathing becomes labored and I feel sick just thinking about jewelry touching my skin.”She said. “I feel terrible because my boyfriend is the most festive man I’ve ever met. My family and friends stop buying me presents and I don’t get invited to Christmas parties.”he added.

Hannah developed a fear of ornaments after an incident made her fear it puke on Christmas presents from her family when she was 6 years old. Her cousins ​​were at their family’s home on Christmas Day and decided Wrap it in tinsel for fun🇧🇷

“I don’t know what happened but I panicked when they started wrapping the paper around my head. I hated the scratchy feeling on my skin and the sound of the paper scared me. I didn’t want to spoil the fun so I kept quiet at first. But when they wrapped around my whole body and I couldn’t move, I started screaming.”she remembered.

The situation became so dramatic that jewelry or other references to Christmas were banned from Hannah’s home.

“I can’t even be in the same room with decorations without feeling like running. I know it’s irrational and a lot of people think it’s silly, but that doesn’t stop it from feeling real to me. I don’t eat Christmas dinner, I hate Christmas carols.”explained the Londoner.

That year, Hannah went to therapy sessions, faced the phobia, and eventually had it a “quiet” Christmas next to her boyfriend without having to hide adornments.

“I realized I was distracting my feelings about the event by blaming the decorations irresponsibly instead of my cousins. Now I feel free. I want to fill my house with decorations every year. I even put them in my bedroom.”celebrated.