Womens diving world record Lysanne Richard defies gravity at 24

Women’s diving world record: Lysanne Richard defies gravity at 24 meters

Lysanne Richard will try again today to raise the world record bar for the highest women’s jump; She had to cancel her stunt last July due to weather conditions.

• Also read: Lysanne Richards helicopter dive: “We will be releasing a new date very soon”

• Also read: Lysanne Richard cancels her helicopter dive

• Also read: A spectacular dive from the top of a helicopter at Lake Memphremagog

The minimum depth for such a dive is 14 meters.

For her part, Ms. Richard will jump from a helicopter at a height of about 24 meters to Lake Memphremagog.

“We thought about the type of figure we are going to do in relation to the type of helicopter from which I jump and then the maneuver can go up to 24 meters,” explains the athlete, who wants the dive to be “impressive ” becomes.

The challenge of such a feat is coordinating the entire team behind Ms. Richard while ensuring that Mother Nature doesn’t mess up the organization.

The diver adds that “it is very difficult to keep the helicopter at the same altitude for a period of time.”

Of course, this dive will be a first for Lysanne Richard, but she states that she “has already done tests from a helicopter further down.” [elle a] practice already [sa] maneuvered several times from the 20-meter platform in the Olympic Park.

“I’m very confident and really excited,” she says with a smile.

Ms. Richard mentions that this confidence comes from her experience.

She knows the difficulties of concentrating in such a noisy environment, but assures that she will “be able to cope with the different elements”.

“My twenty years of experience in high-altitude diving allowed me to decide on this project,” explains the acrobat.

Lysanne Richard will meet the people who will be present at Merry Point in Magog after completing her jump.

The dive will be presented live on the athlete’s social networks this afternoon at 2 p.m. for people who do not have the opportunity to go to Estrie.