Workers’ Party resolution on the situation in Palestine and Israel

Resolution on the situation in Palestine and Israel

The National Directorate of the Workers’ Party adopted the following resolution on the situation in Palestine and Israel at its meeting on October 16, 2023:

Since the 1980s, the PT has supported the Palestinian people’s struggle for their national sovereignty and the UN resolution establishing two nation states, the State of Palestine and the State of Israel, guaranteeing the right to selfdetermination. Determination, sovereignty, autonomy and conditions for development, with a viable economy for Palestine, striving for the coexistence of the two peoples;

In the past, the PT has exclusively maintained party ties with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah.

Since its founding, the PT has condemned all acts of violence against civilians, regardless of where they come from. We therefore condemn the unacceptable attacks, murders and kidnappings of civilians, crimes committed by both Hamas and the State of Israel, which is at this moment committing genocide against the population of Gaza through a series of war crimes;

The PT congratulates the efforts of the Brazilian government, led by President Lula, aimed at the rapid repatriation of Brazilians in the conflict region and access to humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip region, with the lifting of the blockades imposed by Israel. This has, in addition to the immediate restoration of water, electricity, food, medicine and fuel supplies to the region as well as the release and immediate release of Israeli civilian hostages will also have a direct impact on the civilian population.

The PT expresses its support for Brazil’s actions, including in the UN Security Council, in line with Brazil’s diplomatic tradition of advocating for an immediate ceasefire and compliance with UN resolutions, particularly those concerning the existence of the State of Palestine and a guarantee important relationship with Israel;

The PT warns of the risks of an escalation of the conflict. The world doesn’t need any more wars. The world needs peace;

The PT called on its members to participate in activities in defense of peace, in defense of the twostate solution (Palestine and Israel) and in defense of the Palestinian people’s rights to life, imports and national sovereignty.

Labor Party National Directory

Brasília, October 16, 2023