1673765199 World Logic Day what is its origin and why is

World Logic Day: what is its origin and why is it celebrated on January 14th?

World Logic Day has been celebrated every January 14 since 2019.  (Getty)World Logic Day has been celebrated every January 14 since 2019. (Getty)

Everyone January 14th is celebrated World Logic Day. This date was introduced in 2019 by UNESCO together with the International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH).

the World Logic Day Its aim is to “draw the attention of interdisciplinary scientific circles and the general public to the intellectual history, theoretical significance and practical implications of logic,” according to the official UNESCO website.

Furthermore, as UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azulay said, this day “offers an opportunity for everyone to deepen their commitment to the development of knowledge and ethics and to reaffirm their trust in human reason”.

was chosen January 14th to celebrate World Logic Day because it is the date on which important events in the life of two leading figures in this field of science coincide: Alfred Tarski Y Kurt Godel.

Alfred Tarski is known for his semantic theory of truth.Alfred Tarski is known for his semantic theory of truth.

Alfred Tarski was a Polish philosopher, mathematician and logician, born January 14, 1901 in Warsaw. He made outstanding contributions to logic on such topics as set theory, polyvalent logic, metalanguage, and semantic concepts. In addition, his semantic theory of truth is considered a milestone in 20th-century philosophy.

Kurt Gödel is known for his incompleteness theorems.  (rough)Kurt Gödel is known for his incompleteness theorems. (rough)

Kurt Godel He was an Austrian philosopher, mathematician and logician who was born on April 28, 1906 and died on January 14, 1978. His incompleteness theorems were recognized and, alongside Tarski, he is considered one of the most important logicians of all time.

The purpose of celebration World Logic Day It is listed in UNESCO Resolution 40/C74 of November 19, 2019, which made the celebration of this date official. It states that it intends to “promote international cooperation, encourage the development of logic both in research and teaching, support the activities of associations, universities and other institutions whose work is related to the subject and to improve the general public’s knowledge of logic and the way it affects science, technology and innovation”.

In addition, the document indicates that the celebration of World Logic Day “It can also help promote a culture of peace, dialogue and mutual understanding based on the advancement of education and science.”

World Logic Day was proclaimed by UNESCO Resolution 40/C74.  (Getty)World Logic Day was proclaimed by UNESCO Resolution 40/C74. (Getty)

Logic is a branch of philosophy that studies the principles of thought, including demonstration and valid inference, fallacy, paradox, and the concept of truth. And it is understood as a formal and interdisciplinary science.

Logic serves to contribute to the development of knowledge, science and technology. According to the Director of UNESCO, “Logic is a discipline that is more important than ever for our societies and economies” because “Computing and information and communication technology, which today structure our way of life, are based on logical and algorithmic thinking.

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