1700182708 World News Extraordinary heat wave in South America Many records

World News. Extraordinary heat wave in South America. Many records broken in Brazil and Bolivia 3bmeteo

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Exceptional heat in South AmericaExceptional heat in South America

L’ extraordinary heat wave in South America continues to set temperature records on the cusp of summer. Temperatures exceeded 40°C in several locations in Brazil and Bolivia, with peaks of up to 44°C in San Jose de Chiquitos in Bolivia and up to 38°C in Sao Paulo in Brazil, just a step away from records. Not only the highs but also the lows are remarkable; in Mariscal Estigaribia, Paraguay, the minimum temperature was recorded at 34°C; highest low ever recorded in South America;

This ongoing heat wave poses great risks, such as fires or damage to human health; Actually,
The National Meteorological Institute has issued a red alert for the central west, the southeast and part of northern Brazil, where more than 100 million people live.

In South America, it is very difficult for people who are used to the heat to live in these temperatureswith some simple examples, in Brazil the Buses are not equipped with air conditioning and street vendors cannot stay on the streets because they risk fainting. To ease the grip of the heat, there were also those Inconvenience due to excessive power consumptionfor fans and air conditioning, causing several power outages in both Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

In addition to the temperatures, there is also severe dryness This is having a major impact on Brazil, where the Amazon has reached its lowest level in 100 years.

In addition to the increase in global temperatures due to emissions from human activities, the cause of this unusual warming is also the El Niño phenomenon which is about to enter the most intense phase of its cycle: According to the latest NOAA forecasts, El Niño is actually expected to experience its warmest phase between November and January 2024. El Niño is a periodic natural event that warms surface waters in the equatorial Pacific region.

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