Worldwide warning about hungry civilians killed in Gaza

Worldwide warning about hungry civilians killed in Gaza

Worldwide warning about hungry civilians killed in Gaza

The world is shaking. In Gaza, desperate and hungry civilians were shot dead by Israeli forces.

Reports from the region suggest a devastating death toll of more than 100 in Gaza as they waited for humanitarian aid to be delivered. This situation has raised alarm among governments such as Spain, the United States and others worldwide, urging them to prevent further loss of innocent lives.

The drama unfolded in Gaza City at a time when the death toll in the region since the start of the conflict exceeded 30,000. This is an alarming number that reflects the scale of the war.

According to reports from Agence France-Presse (AFP), Israeli soldiers opened fire on a crowd that had gathered around an aid convoy in Gaza and had gone without food for days.

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The Gaza Ministry of Health has confirmed that at least 110 people lost their lives in this unfortunate event, which was dubbed a “massacre”.

International community shocked

The international community has reacted with dismay to this tragedy. The Security Council of the United Nations has called an emergency meeting to address the incident and take measures to prevent recurrence of such atrocities. France hwas one of the first to express outrage and describe the act as “unjustifiable” and requires a thorough investigation.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has highlighted the gravity of the situation, noting that more than 25,000 Palestinian women and children have lost their lives in Gaza since the conflict began last October. These figures are a grim reminder of the human cost of war and violence in the region.

What does Israel say?

According to reports in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Israeli authorities have argued that the incident was the result of a “rush” triggered by crowds rushing towards the aid convoy.

YOU CAN SEE: More than 100 Palestinians were killed by Israel while waiting for humanitarian aid in Gaza

However, New York Times witnesses and sources in Gaza have disputed this version of events, claiming that Israeli soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd.

According to the United Nations, humanitarian aid has become vital to the survival of thousands of people and is therefore calling for its delivery to be ensured safely and without violence.


  • 147 days of war. According to The Times of Israel, the IDF reportedly killed 13,000 Hamas terrorists.
  • Release. According to Haaretz, Israel has released dozens of Palestinian prisoners to free up prison space.