Xi Jinping China and the United States can and should

Xi Jinping: “China and the United States can and should coexist peacefully

The Chinese head of state emphasized the great responsibility of both countries for world peace

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden

RTThe people of the United States and China have built a shared history and a “deep” friendship, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a letter in response to two American veterans of the Flying Tigers who fought for China in World War II. The politician explained that both states must respect each other and seek fruitful cooperation.

He recalled that in the past both nations fought against a common enemy: Japan. “Looking forward, China and the United States, as two great countries, bear even greater responsibility for the peace, stability and development of the world,” he wrote to Xi.

The United States and China “can and should pursue mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation,” he said.

In recent months, several meetings have taken place between authorities from both countries in an attempt to ease tensions in relations. In June, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China, and in July, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen did the same. Also in July, US special climate envoy John Kerry visited Beijing.

“The world needs a stable and healthy relationship between China and the United States,” Chinese Vice President Han Zheng said recently.


The American Volunteer Group, known as the Flying Tigers, was a combat group made up of former American pilots hired by the People’s Republic of China to fight against Japan between 1941 and 1942.