1693792831 Xochitl Galvez bathes en masse and promises to open the

Xóchitl Gálvez bathes en masse and promises to open the doors of the National Palace

The Mexican opposition has regained the courage it needs to face the 2024 elections with a woman who has served as a conglomerate for all the Frente Amplio parties: Xóchitl Gálvez. Thousands of people have descended on the capital’s Angel of Independence roundabout to accompany her at the ceremony that will officially make her a candidate. The pink color of the clothing of many of them was the symbol of how consolidated the citizen movement united against the current government had been in just a few months. Gálvez wanted to highlight these civil society efforts and the success they have brought by surrounding himself on stage with a searching mother, Cecilia Flores, a woman who recycles and sells municipal waste, Elsa Ortigosa and Nicolás Holguín, a representative of the indigenous people, who are fighting for their land. He gave them all the microphone for a few seconds. The message was clear: the candidate is above the PRI, the PAN and the PRD, whose leaders took a subordinate position at the event. “Politically speaking, I am color blind, I only see one color, the color of Mexico,” she announced.

Xóchitl Gálvez and Cecilia Flores, seeking mother from Sonora. Xóchitl Gálvez and Cecilia Flores, seeking mother from Sonora. Nayeli Cruz

Senator Gálvez, who came practically from nothing and in a short time pushed out prominent names from the traditional parties in the internal race, knows that she needs everyone and she has said it, she has also recognized that she has not yet achieved it She Morena in the voting intentions that emerge from the current polls, but her speech was one of government and hope in the face of the elections to succeed Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the most charismatic president in recent decades. “We will listen to all voices and include everyone who wants to join this fight,” he said, developing a specific set of intentions that include respect for women, the middle class, diversity and disabilities, seeking mothers and families of the sick Children, environmentalists, “neglected” scientists and academics, students, Mexican migrants and those crossing the country, doctors, teachers and journalists. It was a reference to groups that felt hurt by President Obrador’s statements or policies during his six-year term. Gálvez opened the doors for them: “We all fit on this front. “We will open the doors of the National Palace.”

The brand new candidate, dressed in one of her traditional huipils, this time also in pink, began her speech with a few words in the pre-Spanish language to tell everyone that she was very happy and introduced herself to people and people as a native of the ñañú Engineer, a binomial that defines its principles that effort and merit are enough to advance. “I am an engineer and I know that problems are not solved with ideology but with solutions,” she said. But he has also made clear his intention to leave what is useful as it is, knowing that he won the election and acknowledging what was done wrong. Once again in government tone, he promised his followers that he would neither deceive nor manipulate them: “I will always tell them the truth, no matter how painful it may be, without embellishments and without stories.”

His message was also aimed at Morena and his presidential candidates. The Front stated: “It will not further divide Mexico, unity is urgently needed, and neither will we resort to insults or insults.” “On the other hand,” he added, “they show spectacular things and walls, here come “We with heart, love and enthusiasm, you can’t buy it, it has no price,” he said, recalling the recent controversy over money Morena spent on the campaign of her presidential candidates.

Panoramic view of the Paseo de Reforma towards the Angel of Independence roundabout.Panoramic view of the Paseo de Reforma towards the Angel of Independence roundabout.Hector Guerrero

Together with the Angel of Independence, the pantheon of leaders of Mexico’s independence from the Spanish crown, for whom he has won praise, he has proposed a special pact for a “new independence” in which the heroes are the teachers, their students educate. , the doctors and nurses who care for their patients, the police, soldiers and sailors, where there is a government “of the people, by the people and for the people” without discrimination, he continued, “to the citizens because of their language, their skin.” Color or economic situation.” The middle classes, to which they belonged, were annoyed in this mandate due to some statements made by President Obrador, who accused them of distancing themselves from the common people. “The republic consists of public hospitals, public schools, public roads and public security,” he told an angry square waving PAN, PRI and PRD flags and whose militants chanted “President, President.”

Gálvez proposed a Mexico “free from the fear of crime, from vicious officials and criminals, and in which women are not disadvantaged.” But she wouldn’t be the candidate if she hadn’t also eschewed some of the typical easy-going phrases that have made her popular in recent days: “You know my golden rule: no idiots, no thieves, no assholes,” she said. He added that he would demand “100% work, honesty and skill” from his teams.

Events like today’s in the capital took place in squares across the country. In all of them there was a candidate who gave new courage to those who disagree with Morena and who made the political battle that lies ahead in Mexico interesting: “Just a few months ago it was said that there was no unity.” The Opposition was demoralized, we were just wondering how many points Morena would beat us by. Today there is opposition, here is the opposition, we have reversed the pessimism.”

Gálvez comes to his proclamation as the official representative of the Broad Front for Mexico. Gálvez comes to his proclamation as the official representative of the Broad Front for Mexico. Hector Guerrero

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