Xuxa admits she only lived to lose her virginity Very

Xuxa admits she only lived to lose her virginity: ‘Very bad situation’ TV

Xuxa Meneghel admitted to suffering from the loss of her virginity. At the age of 60, the presenter said that the beginning of her sex life was not at all pleasant, since it happened in a moment of desperation. “It was weird, it wasn’t cool, it was in my car, a really bad situation,” she recalled.

In an interview with the Quem Pode podcast, Pod, the “queen of the little ones,” spoke about her private life and also mentioned the episode in which Angélica was attacked for proposing vibrators as a Mother’s Day gift.

“Angélica has been heavily criticized for speaking out about it. I think it’s absurd that people should be hypocritical and think that we women can’t talk about this issue because men do it so blatantly. Men can, and women can’t, you can talk about masturbation,” the blonde lamented.

Sasha’s mother then emphasized that she currently leads an active and healthy sex life. She even knows how to use a vibrator, but it wasn’t always like that. “It took me a while to discover myself. I found myself in the shower when I was about to wash.”

I lost my virginity when I was 17 or 18 years old. It wasn’t anything special, I wanted to stop being a virgin. I started modeling when I was 16, I had a nickname, things they didn’t talk about because I was a virgin. I came home crying and told my mom I wanted to stop being a virgin. I’ve been naked in front of a man before, he said, “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” NO [quero]’. Being a virgin bothered me, it wasn’t cool.

Xuxa explained that she saw the lack of sex life as a problem in her career. “It was a situation that wasn’t comfortable, I didn’t know it myself. It was bad for you to look horny.” [para capa de revista]for sexy, in case you don’t know what that is.”

The presenter only managed to lose her virginity in a moment of desperation, when she had already heard several “nos”. “It was weird, it wasn’t cool, it was in my car, a very bad situation. Shortly after I met Pelé, the discovery was with him,” she added.