1695018263 Xuxa boyfriend before sexual innuendo

Xuxa, boyfriend before sexual innuendo

Xuxa boyfriend before sexual innuendo

Xuxa already has a documentary series in which, among other things, he tells some dark moments in his life. Like so many others, she was sexually abused as a child (first by a friend of her parents and then by a teacher). Xuxa also questions his role as a sexual reference. The show “Xuxa,” which was very popular with children in the 1990s, was broadcast in twenty countries. He also reigned in the first Telecinco, which focused on the little ones in the house.

I think he’s wrong about his role at the time. Xuxa was no Barbie. Xuxa was our friend. That’s how we saw it. A smiling and loving friend. Like a big sister or a perfect cousin. I have no evidence nor do I doubt that the older children (the boys) already saw her differently. And yet we can all imagine another children’s presenter who also wore makeup, also wore shorts, and also sang, but who did not convey the sweetness and closeness of our beloved Xuxa. We kids liked (and they like) the older ones, who you knew would take you home by the hand if you got lost.

Xuxa questions some aspects of his production, but we children didn’t question anything. There were rumors that there were some “porn photos” of Xuxa. And even without knowing what it was, we knew it was something that took you out of the world of children and into a world that was forbidden because there was something wrong with it, something mysterious. One day they appeared at the kiosk and Xuxa was interrogated. I wish there were more adults who said it didn’t matter. All the sins attributed to Xuxa were in the eyes and minds of her accusers, for Xuxa was, above all, our friend.

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