Yailin “The Most Viral” He emerged after closing his Instagram account and spending some time away from social media. However, the singer worried her fans as the abrupt return was triggered by a photo in which she appeared beaten and with facial injuries.
After the picture went viral within minutes, Yailin immediately did a live broadcast of it Instagramwhere he explained that his physical condition was caused by a traffic accident he suffered with his partner, the American rapper Tekashi 69.
The Artist Urban also accused a former employee of leaking the photo and said it caused the beating TekashiInformation allegedly made up because she was fired.
In the same way, Yailin He denied owing money to the woman, who allegedly has power of attorney over some of his possessions, including a dog.
“I had an accident with Dani, that is, we went to the club, we went to the club, but since it didn't come to light and everything was a bit scary, I didn't say it so as not to worry.” everything,” said Yailin.
“This person had this photo, this person started writing to everyone saying that he owes something, that he doesn't owe anything, I recorded this person here. What she's owed is $1,700, but I'll tell the person who has my stuff and to send it Puppy And all in all, he doesn't want to send it saying that he fears for his life,” he added.
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