You filter the eliminated list The House of Los Famosos

You filter the eliminated list “The House of Los Famosos in Mexico”; This is the starting order

the reality show “The House of Famous Mexico” has managed to captivate the audience and become a phenomenon of current television. From the beginning, has sparked conversations and trends on social networks, Keep the audience engaged CTothere result.

However, there were suspicions on social networks that the program had been repaired. The followers of reality show They have denounced anomalies and situations that suggest the production is protecting certain contestants. like Paul Stanley. In addition, it was pointed out Fraud in leadership testsI heard conspiracies between the participants.

The House of Celebrities has been leaked

LThe controversy has reached its peak with the leak of an alleged list revealing the order ofand removal of participants. If this list is true Wendy Guevara, who has become a crowd pleaser, would not reach the final. According to the rumours the influencer would voluntarily leave the house early.

The filtered list of social networks is displayed Marie Claire Harp eliminated first, followed by Sofia Rivera Torres, Ferka Quiroz, Raquel Bigorra and George Losa. In sixth place would be Mariana “Barby” Juárez, followed by Apio Quijano and Nicola Porcella. Wendy Guevara would leave the competition and leave Emilio Osorio eliminated as 9th.

Filtered list of people who have left the House of Celebrities

  • Marie Claire Harp
  • Sofia Rivera Torres
  • Ferka Quiroz
  • Raquel Bigorra
  • George Losa
  • Mariana “Barby” Juárez
  • Celery Quijano
  • Nicola Porcella
  • Wendy Guevara (leaves the house)
  • Emilio Osorio
  • Paul Stanley (Second – Fourth Place)
  • Bárbara Torres (Second – Third)
  • Sergio Mayer (Second – Second)
  • Poncho de Nigris (Winner – First Place)
  • In the last line Paul Stanley would place fourth, while Barbara Torres would consecrate as third second. Sergio Mayer would take second place, and the Monterrey Poncho De Nigris would be crowned the undisputed winner this first season of “The House of Famous Mexico”.

    Although everything seems to indicate that the fate of celebrities in the reality show is bookmarked, only the course of the program will tell whether the filtered list is correct and whether Wendy Guevara remains without the opportunity to win the prize 4 million pesos. The show’s followers will be watching each episode closely to find out who the real winner is “The House of Famous Mexico”.