1678011606 You got mail shock from De Filippi quotYoure dead I

You got mail, shock from De Filippi: "You’re dead, I don’t care"Alessio humiliates his mother

You got mail shock from De Filippi quotYoure dead I

High tension in You’ve Got Mail, the program run by Maria DeFilippi on Canale 5. The episode is that of Saturday March 4, an episode that marked the presenter’s return to television after the mourning of Maurice Costanzo. And a very heavy, hard, difficult to digest story is broadcast on C’è posta per te.

The protagonists are Roberta, Alessio and David. Roberta is Alessio’s mother, David the companion of the 17-year-old woman. And the colored man it was never accepted by Alessio, who severed all ties with his mother for this relationship. So Roberta turned to De Filippi and the You’ve Got Mail editors to fix things.

The reports have been zero for three years: the situation has completely inflated when Roberta became pregnant with David and Alessio asked her for an abortion. In the studio, Roberta explains: “Everything I’ve done has always been useless. I only got insults and swear words“. And again: “I miss hearing myself called mom ever since you called your dad’s partner mom and even got her name tattooed on you. There is only one mother and no one can take her place”.

De Filippi's message to Costanzo: on all screens... Italy in tears |  Seek

For his part, Alessio stated that “the skin problem is secondary‘, a rather frightening sentence addressed to David. So the son added that he was ashamed that he was a few years younger. And he added, “We were never happy at home and I told her it was either me or him and she said he couldn’t end a two-year relationship.”

But it’s not over yet. Brutally, Alessio added: “I don’t miss it, I don’t want to see it. David is as indifferent to me as she is. I felt embarrassed because it looked like he was dating a friend of mine. i said that she is dead to me, but I don’t wish death on anyone“. De Filippi then turned to Alessio: “I hope you understand that your mother loves you. There’s also a little girl who looks like you.” But Alessio: “I don’t care.” The envelope remains sealed, Roberta bursts into tears and continues to beg her son, who in turn replies: “She’s good at playing the victim . look at her No, I don’t give a damn about her. I don’t even want to see it.”

A frightening insensitivity a brutalitythat of Alessio against his mother, who angered the studio and also the social networks, where plenty of harsh comments rained down against the boy.

When Maria enters, friends distort the Mediaset dictation for Costanzo: nobody dares to do that