You take a plane and leave your dog at the

You take a plane and leave your dog at the airport

A dog who was abandoned at Dublin Airport, Ireland by his owners because they couldn't stay with him overnight has now found a new foster family.

The traveling couple, not wanting to miss their flight on the eve of the holiday season, preferred to leave the dog tied to a post in the harbor area, Irish Independent reported.

This misunderstanding is due to an administrative problem, because if the dog owners had the necessary administrative documents to enter Ireland with their animal, but not to leave it.

The pet, tied to a post with its passport next to it, was discovered by police in the middle of the night and handed over to My Lovely Horse Rescue, an animal rights organization.

“You have to follow a different procedure. We can’t just take a plane and leave, that’s not how it works,” said the organization’s coordinator, Martina Kenny.

The dog rescued by the association has already found a foster home with a veterinarian, said Ms. Kenny, who said she was concerned about this phenomenon of abandoned animals.

According to the animal welfare association, dog abandonments are becoming increasingly common in the country, particularly in Dublin, due to the housing crisis.