1700854731 Young Frenchman who disarmed attacker in Dublin hailed as hero

Young Frenchman who disarmed attacker in Dublin hailed as hero

A young Frenchman, Alan, intervened this Thursday November 23rd to subdue the attacker during the knife attack in Dublin.  He is completing an internship at Spitalfields in Dublin. Spitalfields Instagram A young Frenchman, Alan, intervened this Thursday November 23rd to subdue the attacker during the knife attack in Dublin. He is completing an internship at Spitalfields in Dublin.

Spitalfield’s Instagram

A young Frenchman, Alan, intervened this Thursday November 23rd to subdue the attacker during the knife attack in Dublin. He is completing an internship at Spitalfields in Dublin.

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS – He incapacitated the attacker. Alan, a young high school student studying at the Bazeilles Hotel Management School in the Ardennes, showed absolute courage this Thursday, November 23rd, by helping to disarm the perpetrator of the knife attack near a school in Dublin in which several injured, including: three children. A Brazilian also helped stop the attacker.

According to the report of a witness at the scene cited by BFMTV and L’Ardennais, two people managed to thwart the attack. One of them is Alan, a 17-year-old teenager, who tells our colleagues “that he threw himself at the attacker, taking his arm that was holding the knife” before throwing the weapon to the ground.

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“Not all superheroes wear capes.”

This act of bravery earned him the congratulations of Emmanuel Macron, who called him “to congratulate him and thank him for this act of bravery, which helped save lives and which makes us all proud,” he said Elysee.

The teenager has been doing an internship since October at Spitalfields in Dublin, a Michelin-starred restaurant on the south bank of the Irish capital. The establishment also paid him a nice tribute on Instagram. He “was one of the brave heroes who managed to disarm the school attacker on his way to work in Dublin yesterday,” he wrote alongside Alan’s photo.

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“He noticed something was happening as he was passing by, threw himself at the attacker to stop him and managed to snatch his knife from him,” the facility said. Alan suffered injuries to his hand and face. “Who knows what would have happened without this act of bravery? » asks the restaurant. To conclude this release, the establishment ventures a little touch of humor: “Not all superheroes wear capes.”

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The other hero, a Brazilian immigrant

The second “Irish hero”, as the Dublin government now calls him, is a Brazilian delivery man called Caio Benicio. He told the British Press Association that he was sitting on his motorbike when he saw what he believed was a fight. He saw a man grab a little girl and attack her with a knife. “When I saw the knife, I stopped my motorcycle and then acted on instinct,” said the father of two. He pulled out his helmet and hit the attacker “with all his might.”

Thursday night’s riots were “against immigrants” and “that doesn’t make sense to me because I’m an immigrant myself and I was the one who helped,” said the Brazilian, who has lived in Ireland since he was 20.

The knife attack sparked massive riots in Dublin on Thursday evening. The government said 500 rioters affiliated with the far right burned vehicles, looted and ransacked shops and clashed with police in a predominantly immigrant district of central Dublin. Leo Varadkar, the Irish Prime Minister, condemned the actions of those responsible for the damage, which “shame Ireland”.

See also on HuffPost:

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