Young man loses leg in shark attack and makes video

Young man loses leg in shark attack and makes video saying goodbye to his family

Young man films himself bleeding after shark attack in Australia: “I wanted to say goodbye”

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20yearold Italian Matteo Mariotti was attacked by a shark and filmed himself saying goodbye. The case occurred last Friday the 8th in Queensland, Australia and Matteo was rescued.

He reported feeling severe pain in his leg and when he realized it, he was attacked. He was distraught and began filming himself in the water to say goodbye to his family until he was rescued by his friend and diving instructor Tommaso Agosti.

The Italian reported on social media that he believed he could not survive. “I decided to record the video a few moments after the last bite. I wanted to say goodbye because I didn’t think I could survive this monster.”

Italian man was attacked by a shark in Australia and lost his leg

Italian man was attacked by a shark in Australia and lost his leg

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

The boy lost a leg, which had to be amputated by doctors at the hospital. Despite the amputation, his life is not in danger.

Matteo is from Parma, Italy, and was in Australia to work and study biology. After the shark attack, he wants to return to his country and continue treatment. It was not revealed which species of shark was responsible for the attack.

In a recent social media post, the young man expressed regret at having to leave Australia and said he hoped to return to the country. “I'm not annoyed at all about this place or the sharks…Of course it is difficult and will be just as difficult to move forward, but still, for the first time I realized how many incredible people I have by my side,” he wrote .

Source: Redação Terra