Young man who claimed to be Madeleine McCann is under

Young man who claimed to be Madeleine McCann is under investigation for pedophilia

Summary of news

  • Julia Wendell left a cell phone and the device was handed over to the police.
  • The authorities analyzed the content without revealing what they were looking for.
  • Julia’s former investigator provided a report in which she accuses the young woman of pedophilia.
  • The Pole rejects all allegations. The US police will continue to investigate the situation.

Private detective Fia Johansson helped Julia with the case until the two got into a fight Reproduction Instagram/@persianmedium

Julia Wendell went viral on the networks when she claimed she could be Madeleine McCann, a little girl who disappeared in Portugal in 2007 on suspicion of pedophilia.

California police received an old cell phone from Julia, who stayed in the US until she returned to her native country of Poland, and the device is being analyzed by authorities.

With this new investigation, the scenario has changed and Julia Wendell could face serious allegations.

Fia Johansson, who helped the young woman in the case, submitted a report to US police saying that the phone left by Julia contained images with sexual content of children and evidence of attempts to groom minors and girls to enter of platforms to encourage sex.

According to the tabloid The Sun, Fia said “police take everything very seriously and have made sure a full investigation is carried out”. Julia denies the allegations and guarantees that she has nothing of the sort on her phone.

“I don’t have child pornography on my phone. I am not a pedophile and I have never tried to encourage a teenager to do anything illegal, bad or disgusting,” she told the newspaper. The girl still suspects that if authorities find “inappropriate images” in her belongings, someone might try to frame her.

“Just think about it, if I really were a pedophile I would never release everything I said to the whole world because it would be very dangerous. It doesn’t make sense, I’m telling the truth and I’m going to clear my name ‘Cause I’m not a monster. I can, including being a victim of a pedophile myself,” he said.

Julia and Fia worked together before falling out and ending their services. The young Pole returned to her country. The investigator had commented on her networks that she still had a lot to do with Julia, but that she understood her decision and wished her all the best. However, this week he filed a complaint against the girl and did not comment further.

Julia Faustyna, 21, continues to take to her social networks to make public her suspicion of being Madeleine McCann, the girl who mysteriously disappeared during a trip to Portugal with her parents in 2007.

The young woman, who currently resides in Poland, has published a series of posts revealing the reasons that lead her to believe that she is the one the police have been looking for for the past 16 years. She points out physical similarities and moments in her life that coincide with the investigation.

Assembly/R7, with EFE/EPA/Luis Forra; Play/Instagram/@iammadelemccan

The first reason Julia mentions is that she was the victim of a pedophile of German origin. According to her, the man who committed the sexual abuse resembles one of the portraits that police have released as a suspect in Madeleine’s kidnapping.

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

She tells the publication that she confronted the perpetrator two weeks ago. The man would have been nervous and would have responded with slaps in the face, behavior that Julia considered suspicious and that would support her thesis.

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

Julia also claims that the suspect and the perpetrator are not only of German origin, but also have the same surname. What would indicate that it is the same person?

The main suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance is German Christian Brueckner, but there have been no formal charges.

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

The young German added to the list of main evidence a sign that Madeleine had in one of her eyes. She explains in the publication that her mark has disappeared but she will be going to the doctor to confirm the theory.

A photo posted on the Instagram profile attempts to compare the two’s irises

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

In the list she published, Julia claims that she and Madeleine have the same eye, face and lip shape

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

Another point she usually mentions is the similarity between the smiles. The distance between her front teeth would be an indication that she is Madeleine

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

She also compares her smile to Madeleine’s mother’s.

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

The Instagram profile, which has nearly 400,000 followers, has several photos that Julia posted to prove her resemblance to British couple Kate and Gerry McCann

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In a post three days ago, Julia says someone noticed that she and Madeleine have the same mole near her left eye. To her, this is another clue that she would be the missing girl.

Play Instagram? @iamadelemccan

She emphasized a dimple on her left cheek as another match between her looks and Madeleine’s.

Reproduction Instagram/@iammadelemccan

Julia tries to get in touch with Madeleine’s parents and says that she wants to take a DNA test to prove if she is McCann’s daughter or not. She says she has already contacted the English and Polish police but has been ignored.

Despite the large number of people following her profile on Instagram, many comment that they don’t believe she is Madeleine McCann

Play Instagram/ @iammadelemccan

The fallout from the case prompted the young woman’s mother to come forward and say her daughter needs psychiatric help. Julia responded by saying that she could make a doctor’s appointment but she knew she wasn’t sick.

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