Young people, skin care and makeup on TikTok: “You have to be careful when marketing” – TVA Nouvelles

With the increasing popularity of skin care or makeup videos on the social network TikTok, more and more young teenage girls are drawn to skin products that they don't necessarily need.

• Also read: #Teenagerskincare: a fashion that could have a negative impact on young people

Dermatologist Sophie Vadeboncoeur says she has noticed an increase in the number of young girls who like a lot of skin care products and warns against certain products.

“Young people often arrive at my offices with bags full of products that offer a pretty impressive variety,” she says. My job is to simplify the routine and convey that we have to pay attention to marketing in all of this because there are not many of these products that are really useful.”

Séphora sellers also address the phenomenon of young girls' addiction to expensive products in their own videos on the TikTok platform.

“In an ideal world, of course, we would stick to a very simple routine with a gentle cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen, because young people's skin is exactly what it needs,” explains Ms. Vadeboncoeur.

She also advises avoiding products that contain retinol.

“I think we can all agree that a 10 or 11 year old doesn't need anti-wrinkle or anti-aging treatment,” she claims. Is it dangerous? The answer is no, but there can be side effects.”

Make-up artist Virginie Vandelac also notices that more and more young girls are coming to her make-up classes.

“I think the most important thing is to teach them the correct gestures when applying makeup,” she says. If we use a sponge, we must clean it daily, as well as our brushes, as bacteria can accumulate in them that can cause pimples.”

She also points out that, in her opinion, the best anti-aging remains sunscreen.

For the full report, watch the video above