YouTube star Hank Green has Hodgkins lymphoma he says in

YouTube star Hank Green has Hodgkin’s lymphoma, he says in new video

YouTube star Hank Green has Hodgkins lymphoma he says in

In a stunning video released on Friday, veteran YouTube star Hank Green told his three million subscribers that he has Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Green has been around since the early days of YouTube and has been active since 2007. He also hosts podcasts with his brother John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars.

“So in the last few weeks it has happened several times that this has become more and more real. That’s the big thing,” Green said above.

“I noticed that my lymph nodes were large. I’ve spoken to my doctor. She said, “It’s probably nothing.” “We’re sending you for an ultrasound.” I got an ultrasound and the technician in the ultrasound room said, “I’m going to get a doctor.” That’s not what you want,” he continued away.

A biopsy brought grim news.

“When you work in the American healthcare system, you don’t expect things to move quickly,” he added. “That’s not what it does. It doesn’t look like it. When it starts to get a little efficient, it’s actually quite worrying.”

Green will soon start chemotherapy and said he is grateful for his support system.

“All the time I’ve spent investing in friendships and even when they’ve been difficult trying to keep them strong and even when I’ve been busy trying to spend time with them has been in the moment a joy.” And wise in the long run,” he said. “I’ve really needed friends over the past few weeks and I’ve been very grateful to have them.”

Green also assured his fans that he remains positive and will act “by ear” on his upcoming projects.