1683984027 Youtuber Marco dies at the age of 31 his friends

Youtuber Marco dies at the age of 31, his friends: he was a good person, they must remember him

Marco was 31 years old and passed away on his birthday. He had created a YouTube channel where he talked about the therapy he went through after being diagnosed with a very rare cancer.

Youtuber Marco dies at the age of 31 his friends

He died from it Youtuber Marco, known on the platform as “Me vs Cancer”. The boy had created a channel on YouTube that has more than 18,000 subscribers: in his videos he told about the disease and the treatments he had been exposed to over the past two years. The 31-year-old died on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 after a few days in a coma.

The discovery of the disease

The boy discovered this illness two years ago: it was a malignant sarcoma of 17 cm. In 2021, after New Year’s Eve, he had felt pain in his stomach pelvic area. Health workers understood immediately that it was not a hernia, and tests confirmed the hypothesis of a tumor mass.

In fact, the 31-year-old was diagnosed with a rare disease: a desmoplastic small cell round cell sarcoma. After receiving the diagnosis, Marco decided to start a channel on YouTube and tell his story. He himself said he did it “for myself, but also for everyone in my situation”. Marco was operated and treated in a specialized facility in Milan.

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The stories on the YouTube channel

Examinations, chemotherapy and hospitalizations were told to his followers: his channel has slowly become a comparison tool. In the videos, the 31-year-old actually explained both the functioning of chemotherapy cycles In it he explained how the substances used to fight cancer affected his body.

He had made it clear over the past few weeks that the treatments weren’t working and that he would deal with it pain therapy. Four days ago Marco’s mother wrote: “Hi everyone, I’m Carla, Marco’s mother. Unfortunately, things are falling apart. Within a few days Marco gives up. We thank you for the support you gave him and for him.” was important. We greet you while he says “Hello beautiful people” and I, the mother and his father, tell you that you are great! Thanks.”

1683984022 581 Youtuber Marco dies at the age of 31 his friends

Yesterday he then confirmed that the boy had sadly passed away: “Hi, I’m Marco’s mother. Two seconds to tell you that I’m standing in front of the morgue, Marco is beautiful, he has the relaxed face of someone who has stopped suffering. We will say goodbye to Marco tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. in the parish church of Sagnino, where the rosary will be distributed. Thanks.”

The messages from fans, friends and relatives are followed on social networks: “I want to share Marco’s story because he was a good and humble person and I want people to remember him. It seems like a small gesture to pay homage to him.” . A boy of 31 who just died yesterday on his birthday after more than a year of suffering and yet always with a smile. Hello Marco, fly free,” writes one user.