Youve always been bad at peeling bananas but you dont

You’ve always been bad at peeling bananas, but you don’t know it: you’ll be amazed when you find out how it’s done iFood

Properly peeling bananas is a habit known to very few people. This trick will inspire you and you will no longer be able to do without it.

Do you know the story of a fruitespecially if it is often on the table, It allows you to discover all its properties but also to understand how to eat it – or in this case peel it – in the right way.

Bananas have their roots in very ancient times. Originally from Southeast Asia, particularly from“Indonesia, in the Philippines.” and from Malaysiahave been cultivated for thousands of years and They played a very important role in the cultures of the local population.

Their export is due to Christopher Columbus, which brought the first bananas to America. It was 1502. Well, After so many years, they are among the most popular fruits of different cultures, peoples and countries.

Probably so many people have one thing in common – aside from liking them that you don’t know how to peel them properly. This is very important Also because if you are aware it will leave you speechless and change your habits.

The peel of bananas

It is the outer and protective part of the fruit. It consists of thin layers of cellulose and is relatively strong but can be easily opened with a light pressure with the fingers.

In most cases the latter it is thrown away and not consumed. Also because it is indigestible and fibrous, it is therefore considered unsuitable for direct consumption. But to peel or not to peel, It is necessary to know how to remove it correctly. Here you will find everything you need to know.

How to peel bananas

How to properly peel them

Before you learn how to properly peel the fruit It is necessary to distinguish ripe bananas from unripe ones. To ensure that the shell is removed properly, must It is best to choose a color that is yellow or has brown spots. The ones they present greenish color are not yet ready to eat.

At this point you can proceed with knowledge of the correct procedure to be able to peel them. If you’ve been used to peeling them off the stem—that’s the already narrow part—your habit might change. In fact, the banana needs to be peeled from the opposite side, the other end. Just apply light pressure with your fingers on the tip and peeling off seems never been easier.. This simple trick will save you time and eliminate the hassle of removing the peel.