The new season of Maria De Filippi’s show opens with fireworks as early as the 2023 debut episode: Charlize Theron and Can Yaman in the studio
Posted on: Jan 3, 2023 10:50:00 am
Source: instagram @cepostaperteufficiale
There really is very little left until the start of the new season You have mail, with the first episode of 2023 slated for Saturday January 7th. Once again Maria DeFilippi is coming big: on the occasion of the debut date of the 25th edition of the show (broadcast on Canale 5 since 2000), it will be from now on Great guests international, while among the novelties we find a new postman.
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You have mail: great guests for the first episode
As Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni revealed, Maria De Filippi has landed a double coup at the start of You’ve Got Mail season 25. The popular people show will welcome two international super guests: straight from Hollywood Charlize Theronthe South African actress born in 1975 who won an Oscar in 2004. From overseas to “Mediterranean” stars, the second guest will be none other Can Yamanthe Turkish star loved him both at home and in Italy, where we recently saw him opposite Francesca Chillemi in Viola come il mare.
The new postman
On the other hand, to increase the number of postmen on the show, Maria De Filippi went fishing “at home”: the new postman will indeed be John Bishop30 years old, with a past in men and women as suitors of Sonja Lorenz.
When and where to watch the new season
You have to begin post Saturday 7 January 2023in prime time on Canale 5 (and streaming on Infinity) from 21:15.
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