Zelenskyis adviser says Europe is lucky Ukrainians will die for

Zelenskyi’s adviser says Europe is lucky, Ukrainians will die for them

Zelenskyis adviser says Europe is lucky Ukrainians will die forKIEV, July 17 (Portal) – Advisor to the head of Ukraine’s presidential office Mikhail Podoliak said Europeans should be fortunate that Ukrainian soldiers are ready to fight on the battlefield on their behalf.

“Europe is fortunate that there is a country like Ukraine that is willing to defend our way of life with its life. The common European way of life. Where competition, democracy, freedom, etc. prevail,” he said.

“Neither Ukraine nor the European Union are without sin, […] But that’s the lifestyle that’s a priority for us,” Podoliak said, assuring that Russia “wants to draw us all into a classic camp.” [de prisioneros] Soviet”.

Earlier this week, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenskyy criticized the plans of the heads of state and governments of NATO member countries not to include a specific aspect of Ukraine’s accession to the alliance in the outcome statement of the summit held in Lithuania on July 11 and 12.

Saying that Ukraine “deserves respect,” Zelenskyy criticized his Western allies, from whom Kyiv “received signals that a formulation without Ukraine is being discussed.” “It is outrageous and absurd that there is no deadline for either the invitation or Ukraine’s accession, and that strange ‘conditions’ are added even to Ukraine’s invitation,” he wrote. (RT) (Photo: Gettyimages.ru)