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Zelenskyy: West must strengthen Ukrainian defense

After renewed Russian missile strikes, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the international community to strengthen his country’s defense capabilities. Ukraine is preparing for a new wave of mobilization by Russia’s “terrorist state” and therefore must be prepared, Zelenskyy said in his video message distributed last night in Kyiv. After phone calls with the heads of government of the Netherlands, Britain, Norway and Canada, he urged that everything be done to ensure Russia’s defeat in the war.

Russia will leave no stone unturned to reverse the war and avoid defeat. “We have to destroy this Russian scenario,” Zelenskyy said. “The terrorists have to lose.” Russia will mobilize new reservists who will be sent to their deaths, he said. Ukraine, in turn, must mobilize the civilized world.

In his speech, the 44-year-old also condemned the Russian rocket attack on the Altair ice rink in Druzhkivka in the Donetsk region, where the children also trained. People have long experienced the stadium as a place of joy. The destruction is new evidence that Russia is a terrorist state.

Zelenskyi also informed that in a meeting with Ukrainian military leaders he spoke about the country’s needs in the field of defense and energy supply. He didn’t give details.