1674350373 Tripadvisor Highlights Cuba as the Worlds Favorite Travel Destination for

Tripadvisor Highlights Cuba as the World’s Favorite Travel Destination for 2023 Central American and Caribbean Digital

Cuba. The prestigious Tripadvisor platform, dedicated to travel advice and one of the most important in the world, voted Cuba the number one trend or fashion destination in the world.

The announcement came as part of the Travellers’ Choice Awards, Best of the Best Destination, based on the opinions of travelers from around the world.

Tripadvisor Highlights Cuba as the Worlds Favorite Travel Destination for

Tripadvisor Highlights Cuba as the Worlds Favorite Travel Destination for

This trending or fashion destination category is among the subcategories that the platform rewards, including: gastronomic destinations, best places to ski, natural destinations, popular destinations and best cultural destinations.

Selection is based on the destinations with the highest annual growth based on Tripadvisor interests.

The international platform reflects that Cuba is known worldwide for its Old World architecture and rich history, and generally offers fascinating opportunities for cultural exchange.

Sarah Firshein, Editor-in-Chief of Tripadvisor, said long-haul travel is back and destinations like Alaska and Cuba are also attracting significant interest.

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Each year, the Tripadvisor platform analyzes the millions of reviews sent by tourists and bases its ratings on the opinions of travelers who have visited the different destinations.

In addition to Cuba, the hottest destinations worldwide in 2023 also include Vietnam, Mauritius, Cambodia, Thailand, Grand Cayman, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Nepal and Poland.

Source: Central American and Caribbean Digital Newspaper.