The case happened in the United States involving a 21yearold boy. The condition worsened due to an incorrect diagnosis
02/20/2023 15:08, updated 02/20/2023 20:36
American Mike Krumholz, 21, never thought he could wake up blind after a 40minute nap.
Despite knowing that you can’t sleep with contact lenses on, Krumholz did so quite often. In December last year, he woke up after a short nap and felt something abnormal in his eyes. Acanthamoeba, a parasite that lives in freshwater, had settled in his right eye.
The young man sought medical help but was misdiagnosed with herpes simplex type 1 and told to take antibiotics. However, the prescription drugs made his situation worse.
On January 21, after a series of tests, doctors came to the correct diagnosis: keratitis (eye infection) caused by amoebas.
1/4The 21yearold was blind in his right eye ▲Mike Krumholz’s eye before the incorrect treatment ▲Mike’s eye after antibiotics ▲1234
Due to the seriousness of the situation, Krumholz required a conjunctival covering operation, which consists of transposing the conjunctival tissue of the healthy eye over the lesion in the cornea of the affected eye. Additionally, he underwent photodynamic therapy to try and reduce the damage caused by keratitis.
Currently, the boy is still unable to see and lives with extremely sensitive eyes, which prevents him from working, studying and even using his cell phone.
“I don’t know how to explain such pain. I spend part of the day in my room with the blinds closed and the lights off,” Krumholz told the Daily Star.
He hopes to soon be eligible for a cornea transplant, which could restore at least 50% of his vision.
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