1690139559 Spain Elections 2023 the count and the results of politics

Spain, Elections 2023: the count and the results of politics

In Spain, polling stations were closed where early general elections were held by the Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez following the PSOE’s defeat in regional and local elections on 29 May. According to the first polls, the PP of Alberto Nunez Feijóo it is the first party with 145 and 150 seats. But the majority is unsure. The outgoing PM’s PSOE ranges from 113 to 118; Sumar, the left coalition under leadership Yolanda Diaz it is the third party with 28-31 seats. Quarta Vox, which however comes out halved with a seating capacity of between 24 and 27.



Gamarra (Pp): “We are cautious, but it will be a great day”

Cuca Gamarra, general secretary of the PP, arrives at the Madrid headquarters after the polls have closed to take stock: “The votes have been more difficult than ever, both for the dates and for the temperatures,” begins Gamarra. “Spanish citizens are an example of citizen initiative,” he adds. “With all the caution that befits the moment we are in, voting has only just begun. From the PP point of view, we believe this will be a great election day as the PP will regain its position as the first political force in the general elections, the last time we did so in 2015,” said the PP Secretary General.

8:46 p.m

Vox secretary: “We are waiting for the final results”

“They will allow me to exercise caution and wait for the final results. Whatever the outcome, we will keep working. We are determined to give the Spanish people a voice back,” he said Ignacio GarrigaSecretary General of Vox, as reported by El Pais.

Spain Elections 2023 the count and the results of politics

(afp) 8:39 p.m

Exit poll TVe, Sumar third political force ahead of Vox

According to exit polls by Spanish public television TVe, progressive platform Sumar di Yolanda Diaz it would be the third political force and would surpass Vox. Diaz received 13.3% of the vote, with a margin of between 28 and 31 seats in the House of Representatives. Instead, Santiago Abascal’s party would have stopped at 11.2% of the vote, with a gap of between 24 and 27 seats, down from 52 in the last legislature.

8:20 p.m

Telecinco exit poll: “Pp-Vox have the majority”

PP is booming with 150 seats, Vox poorly with 31 seats, but together they would have an absolute majority with 181 seats, 5 above the necessary 176 threshold. Telecinco’s election polls are in stark contrast to those of public television. According to this data, the PSOE would be stuck at 112 seats, with Sumar’s left in fourth place, below Abascal’s party, at 27.

8:18 p.m

Satisfaction at PP headquarters, but uncertainty remains

Smiling faces at the national headquarters of the Spanish People’s Party at the end of voting day for the general elections. At publication the election polls are at 20 giving the centre-right party the lead Alberto Nunez Feijóo clearly at the top, there was an expression of satisfaction from some executives who had already arrived at their headquarters in Madrid to follow the results. Meanwhile, party supporters who have already arrived hold their breath in front of the headquarters and stare at their mobile phones, studying the still uncertain scenarios painted by the election polls.

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(Frame) 20:04

Election result: PP wins, but majority is uncertain

The PP of Alberto Nunez FeijooAccording to the public broadcaster Rtve, it is the leading party in Spain with 145 to 150 seats. the psoe holds with scissors between 113 and 118; Sumar, the left coalition under leadership Yolanda Diaz it is third with 28-31 seats. Fourth Vox, however, coming out with a number of seats halved between 24 and 27: the last legislature had 52. The pro-independence and local forces did well: Erc 9 seats, Jxcat 9, Pnv 5, EHbildu 6, Cup 1, Bng 1-2, Cc 1 and Tex 0-1. Should official data confirm these numbers, it would be very difficult for the right to reach the 176-seat threshold and secure a majority.

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(Portal) 7:58 p.m

In Catalonia, turnout was the lowest: 11 points less

Catalonia recorded the lowest turnout in today’s Spanish general election. This can be seen from data released by the Madrid Electoral Commission, which speaks of 11 points fewer votes than in the 2019 elections. That decline could directly impact the prime minister’s reconfirmation Pedro Sanchez, who trusted in the vote in Catalonia. Part of the pro-independence movement had called for abstention in the parliamentary elections, which could explain the sharp drop in the Catalan vote.

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(Portal) 12:40 p.m

Feijoo agrees: “We need a solid and strong government”

Spain needs “a solid and strong government”. This was said as he left the polling station in Madrid where the President of the Spanish People’s Party had voted: Alberto Nunez Feijoo, according to which in today’s elections “we are playing with many things about which model of the country we want and it is necessary that Spain decides. Anything that is decided will go well and anything that Spain says clearly will go well for the Spaniards.” The leader of the People’s Party described his candidacy to lead the government as a “great honor” and “great responsibility” and then assured that he would remain committed to Spain “no matter what happens”: “I am at the disposal of my country, I have always been in recent years. The polls, despite the great heat and the first vote in full quota of foreigners.

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(Frame) 09:30

Sanchez votes in Madrid, important elections for the world and Europe

The socialist leader Pedro Sanchez voted in the general elections in Madrid at the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo, not far from the Moncloa Palace. Speaking to reporters after the vote, Sanchez urged citizens to vote for “a strong government to emerge from the elections so that Spain can move forward in the next four years”, stressing the importance of these elections for the Iberian country but also for the “world and Europe”. The leader, who will spend the day with his family, said he was in “good spirits”. “Let’s show the world what we are: a flawless democracy,” he added. Sanchez was accompanied to the polling station by his wife, Begoña Gómez, who voted after him. Upon arrival, he was challenged by a group of people who yelled “liars” while another group greeted him with cheers and cheers.

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(Portal) 6:15 p.m

The turnout at 6 p.m. has fallen: it stands at 53%

The proportion of eligible voters who went to the 6 p.m. snap political elections in Spain is 53.01 percent. This was announced by the electoral commission. That’s a 3.84 percent drop from the last election in 2019, when 56.85 percent of voters cast their ballots at the same time.

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(Portal) 3:15 p.m

Diaz: Let’s vote to wake up tomorrow with more rights and more democracy

candidate of the progressive platform Sumar, Yolanda Diaz, which was voted on this morning in Madrid at the Faculty of Mining Engineering. Government Labor Minister sanchez, who arrived at the polling station holding her daughter Carmela by the hand, urged citizens to vote. “I ask everyone, young people, women, pensioners, workers, to vote today, it’s very important, it’s about waking up tomorrow with more rights, more democracy and more freedom,” Diaz told reporters, recalling that in Spain “it hasn’t been possible to vote for many years.” The leader urged citizens to reflect that “the right to vote did not fall out of the sky,” but was the result of a long struggle. “There is a lot at stake in these elections, the next decade is at stake,” he added.

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(Frame) 08:15

Curious: Villarroya’s record, voting ended in 26 seconds

The small municipality of Villarroya in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja in Spain has once again managed to complete its voting process in record time. The seven registered voters cast their ballot in just 26 seconds, Spanish media reported. In the last administrative election on May 28, voting took just over 29 seconds, three seconds shy of the previous round of voting in 2019.


Voting in the middle of summer: a first time

This will be the first general election to be held in the country in the middle of summer. The progressive platform Sumar had requested an extension of the voting time to 10 p.m. in view of the expected high temperatures, but the election committee rejected the request. In addition to voting in person, voters could also choose to vote by post. According to the Spanish Post, more than 2.6 million citizens have applied to vote by mail, a record number.


What the polls said last night

Aside from the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) poll, which gives victory to the PSOE, the other polls agree that the PP won by about three percentage points over the PSOE, giving Vox third place. Some polls expect the PP and Vox to surpass an absolute majority of 176 seats in Congress, others assume they won’t, which would complicate the scenario of forming a government. According to an average of the polls conducted by El Paìs, the PP would manage to get 142 deputies against the PSOE’s 108, Vox would get 35 and Sumar 34. The other political forces would have 31 seats. With these figures, the sum of PP and Vox would reach 177, one seat more than the absolute majority.
