Sorede solar oven good activity but concerns L39Independant

Sorède solar oven: good activity but concerns – L'Indépendant

The Friends of Padre Himalaya held their general meeting in the presence of the mayor Yves Porteix. The usual reports show a friendly operation and good activity, but also an insufficient number of volunteers who would be able to ensure daily opening in July and August. With 88 members, the association has managed to maintain 4 out of 5 days of permanence in 2023, but solar oven demonstrations should be reduced to 3 out of 5 in 2024 and there is nothing to suggest that we do not go further before non-replacement should from aging companions. Although the financial balance has been secured so far, the operating income does not allow the recruitment of additional employees to the association members in order to secure these job offers. To maintain the attractiveness of the site, it still has the necessary investment resources to maintain or even develop presentation materials and experiences and can count on the commitment of members all year round. With the exception of this question mark and concern, the outlook for 2024 is equally dynamic : Reception of clubs and school groups from April, solar cooker workshops on the 13th April, Cooking Day and Use of Wild Plants in Food on April 14th April, construction of a solar cooker for the community, astronomy evening on April 2nd August, further development of the site, travel, cake, sun festival on the 8th June, etc. Aware that the solar oven has become an essential part of the image of the community.” Solar by nature “, the leaders of the Friends of Padre Himalaya are looking for solutions and volunteers who could get involved in the summer activities.