1703974513 845 Location Laboratoires de la Resistance Upper Plains Avatar Frontiers

Location Laboratoires de la Résistance (Upper Plains) | Avatar Frontiers of Pandora – ActuGaming.net

In the laboratories of the Upper Plains you can find ammunition, but also 5 spare parts (important especially for improving weapons) and sometimes a communication terminal that allows you to do side quests. Notes and records can be present, as well as a crafting station, a cooking station, a campfire, or even a fast travel point.

You can find the general location of Resistance laboratories by zone (white flags) then detailed shots for each of them. As a reminder, we explain below how these laboratories can be resupplied.

How to refill the resistance labs?

Here are the different steps that need to be taken to validate a resistance laboratory:

  • Find one locally outer yellow casing and aim your SID to power it.
  • Follow the cables that run from this box to the next box before accessing the general power supply, which is often located on the floor in the lab. Note that sometimes a second external source Access to the internal nodes is required via a yellow box.

Celebration Valley

There are three Resistance Labs in Celebration Valley, whose exact locations are listed here.

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Guardian Laboratory

This laboratory is located in the northwest of the area, very close to the Cradle of the Wayfarers and in particular the Zakru Oath fast travel point. The side quest “A Shadow and a Threat” awaits you there. You'll also need to repair the electrical wires on the south wall of the farthest building before you can begin.

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Base station

Northeast of the area, southeast of the Great Defense, in the area where you will also find 3 Tarsyu Sprouts. Everything is hidden between rock massifs. You will also need to repair the wires on the southwest wall before powering the structure.

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Towering shadow station

West of the Great Defense, towards the border of the Disrupted Bridge and the Mother of Watercourses, you will find this laboratory between several thick trees.

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Gutted bridge

In the Gutted Bridge area there are two resistance laboratories, the locations of which are listed below.

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Three stone laboratory

The lab is located southeast of the Broken Bridge area near several trees with bloody leaves. Before you begin, you'll first need to repair some cables.

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Broken Arc Laboratory

Northeast of the circle, on a rocky hill, around the Charlie Hydraulic Extractor.

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Coastal Laboratory

On the eastern shore of Lac du Grand Coeur, in the far west of the area.

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Mother of waterways

In the Mother of Waterways, the largest area of ​​the Upper Plains, you can find no less than 6 Resistance Labs.

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Promontory laboratory

North of the area, west of the First Zakru, very close to the Camp Na'vi Hunters' Lodge.

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Archipelago laboratory

South of the previous lab but north of the girls' pool.

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Protected coastal laboratory

Slightly east of the previous one, north of Lac du Grand Coeur (west bank). Cables need to be repaired.

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Giant's Palm Laboratory

Southwest of the two previous laboratories, but also of the girls' pool, and you also need to repair the cables there.

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Station for changing winds

West of Pneumatic Prospector Charlie, in the very southwest of the area, very close to the base of Winged Mountain.

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Outcropping Rock Station

Just east of Mother's Tears but west of Horsehead Plateau, with cables to repair.

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Avatar Frontiers of Pandora takes you through the laboratories of the Upper Plains

The stone fortress

The Steinfort in turn has 5 resistance laboratories, the exact locations of which are listed here.

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Dead end station

At the northwest end of the area, on the banks of the Fertile River.

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Petrified Forest Laboratory

On a rocky hill west of Winged Mountain. Here you will find cables to repair.

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Great column station

This lab is located east of Lithic Lake. There will also be cables to repair.

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Mountain Shadow Lab

This lab is located south of the extraction facility but east of Guardian Falls, on the southern edge of the area.

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Laboratory for windy expanses

Just north of Broken Rapids, on the southwestern edge of the area, with cables in need of repair.

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Cradle of wanderers

The Walkers' Cradle, south of the Upper Plains, houses two resistance labs.

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“Lithic Perspectives” station.

Southeast of the Weeping Steps, at the base of the Floating Rocks. Cables need to be repaired.

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Vermeil station

At the eastern end of the area, southeast of the previous laboratory. There will also be cables there.

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Eywa plain

Finally, the Plain of Eywa is equipped with a single resistance laboratory.

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Grand Cascade Laboratory

The only laboratory in the area is at the base of Toruk Peak on its north face, just south of the RDA complex.

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