Sweden experiences coldest January night in 25 years minus 436

Sweden experiences coldest January night in 25 years: minus 43.6 degrees

Freezing weather in northern Europe gave Sweden its coldest January night in 25 years. In the small town of northern Sweden Kvikkjokk in Lapland A freezing temperature of minus 43.6 degrees Celsius was measured on Wednesday night, the meteorological institute SMHI announced on the online platform X on Wednesday.

➤ Read more: These are the heat and cold records for Austria and the whole world

The Swedish cold record from 1966 still remains unbeaten

Temperatures below minus 40 degrees Celsius were already recorded in the region on Tuesday night. However, the cold still did not come close to the Swedish record – in February 1966, the thermometer at an official weather station in Vuoggatjålme dropped to minus 52.6 degrees.

Finland, along with Sweden, is experiencing freezing temperatures

The freezing weather also continues in neighboring Finland: according to local meteorologists, it was around minus 20 to 35 degrees across the country on Wednesday morning.

➤ Read more: Extreme cold: when it becomes dangerous for humans

At the Pallastunturi mountain range In the Finnish part of Lapland an avalanche accident occurred due to the cold: as the responsible police announced, a woman and her young son were hit by a snow avalanche while skiing on Tuesday. The mother was discovered dead later that night and the child was still missing on Wednesday. At the time of the accident, there was a strong wind with temperatures around minus 23 degrees.