1704793946 Enrique Guzman39s other daughter who wants to escape family scandals

Enrique Guzmán's other daughter who wants to escape family scandals

Daniela Guzmán, the daughter of Enrique Guzmán, who wants to attract attention as a child star.  (Photo: Screenshot)

Daniela Guzmán, the daughter of Enrique Guzmán, who wants to attract attention as a child star. (Photo: Screenshot)

In April 2023, the Mundo Lero Lero project was launched, a YouTube channel with children's content. The main face is Daniela Guzmán, daughter of Enrique Guzmán. She wants to excel in this field. and tries to avoid the scandals that plague his paternal family.

“I think it’s up to them (to respond), the people involved. Fortunately, we are a family that remains united despite everything and everyone,” he replied to a specific question from reporters after his participation in TV Azteca’s Juguetón.

Focuses on promoting Mundo Lero Lero, Daniela Guzmán avoids the recent controversies surrounding the Guzmáns: the allegations against her father for pedophile statements, the controversy between Luis Enrique and Mayela Laguna over the paternity of Apolo and the estrangement between Alejandra and Frida Sofía.

Despite the press's attempts to get answers from her, she prefers to deflect the topics because she doesn't want her family's conflicts to haunt her, especially when she's trying to differentiate herself from them with a childish concept. and requires gaining the trust of both children and parents.

Daniela, daughter of Enrique Guzmán and Rosalba Welter (granddaughter of former President Emilio Portes Gil), says she is in contact with her father, whom she asks for his opinion on her work: “It is somewhat critical. He didn't find out what we were doing until the channel started its first season. Yeah, he has his opinions and everything, but he appreciates a little bit of the production that we have.”

The actress and singer also marks a separation from rock and roll, a genre that identified her father and in whose footsteps Alejandra Guzmán and, to a lesser extent, Luis Enrique followed. He didn't want to follow that line and opted for the disappearing tradition of children's content.

Along with Mando, Flor and Walloy, Daniela Guzmán sings, performs sketches and tells stories for children on her channel. Its purpose is to establish itself as a new entertainment option for minors, thereby protecting itself from the fame that follows its own and who are usually in the eye of the hurricane due to scandals.

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Put your hands in the fire by Enrique Guzmán

It was in 2021 when Frida Sofía revealed that she was sexually harassed and abused by her grandfather, singer Enrique Guzmán. Given the seriousness of the allegations Daniela Guzmán agreed to speak in defense of her father, arguing that he was an exemplary man and incapable of doing such a thing.

He shared that he had lived with his children in his father's house for seven years and had never seen any inappropriate behavior on his part towards the children. She was careful when speaking about Frida Sofía so as not to condemn her or add to the chaos. That's why he invited the model to clarify the situation away from the media.

“This needs to be clarified privately. It shouldn't be a media resolution, there's no way that's possible. It must be done privately, without judges or criticism. “Restoring the family will be everyone’s task, but we must take the first step” Daniela commented Ventaneando.

Apart from this occasion, Daniela Guzmán does everything to turn the tables on the press to avoid being questioned about what is happening to her paternal family. On this occasion, he joined forces with Alejandra Guzmán and Luis Enrique Guzmán to defend his father's integrity. in light of the allegations that portrayed him as someone he is not. Since then he has remained on the sidelines.

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