Israel quotThe UN takes action against UNRWA leadersquot And Italy

Israel: "The UN takes action against UNRWA leaders". And Italy stops funding

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz also thanked the United States and Canada for the decision to suspend funding to the agency, as our country has done along with other states such as the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. Hamas: “The UN will not give in to blackmail.” For Netanyah in Gaza, “they are raising their children with Hitler’s Mein Kampf”

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Israel attacked UNRWA and declared that the UN agency would no longer have a presence in Gaza after the end of the war. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees is in a storm as it was forced to lay off 12 staff members in the Gaza Strip due to suspicions surrounding the October 7 massacre. “We call on the UN to take immediate action against the leadership of UNRWA,” said Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz. “We have been warning for years: UNRWA perpetuates refugee problems, hinders peace and serves as the civilian wing of Hamas in Gaza,” he added, stressing that UNRWA “must pay a price for its actions. 'UNRWA is not the solution'.” Meanwhile, after the USA and Canada, the Italian government, along with other countries such as Great Britain, Finland, Australia and Holland, have also stopped funding the agency (ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR – PRO-PALESTINE PROCESSION: FEARED TENSIONS).

Hamas criticizes the funding freeze

Hamas criticized this decision and called on the United Nations “not to give in to the threats and blackmail of this rogue Nazi entity.” And he then attacked UNRWA itself for firing the twelve employees “on the basis of information from the Zionist enemy” and for describing “the resistance of the Palestinian people as terrorism.” “It is not the task of UNRWA,” stressed Hamas, “to announce political positions on the conflict,” but “to defend the rights of the refugees it represents.” The PLO also rejected the decision to freeze UNRWA funds. “A decision,” warned Secretary-General Hussein al-Sheikh, “that entails political risk. I call on these states to immediately withdraw the decision.” However, stopping funding for UNRWA does not mean the end of aid to the Palestinians. “We are committed to providing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian population and protecting the security of Israel,” said Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tajani when announcing the Italian government’s decision. In fact, last December Italy allocated 10 million euros to help the Palestinian civilian population through other UN organizations such as the FAO and the WFP or through the Red Crescent.

Italy's Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani speaks to the media at the King David Hotel on the occasion of his mission to Israel, Jerusalem, Israel, January 25, 2024. ANSA/GIUSEPPE LAMI

In-depth analysis

Gaza War, Tajani: Hamas as SS, scientific hunt for Jews. LIVE

The protests in Israel against Netanyahu

In Israel, the protest against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu is intensifying and there are calls for his resignation, with accusations that he did not do everything necessary for the more than 130 hostages still in Gaza and that a possible ceasefire was not taken into account for this result have . Clashes broke out between around 200 demonstrators and police during an anti-government demonstration on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv. Police forcibly removed the protesters who tried to block the road several times and some of them were arrested. Netanyahu, meanwhile, dismissed the allegations against him and his government and instead insisted on military pressure on the Gaza Strip as a solution to bring the kidnapped people home, as part of the overall strategy to eliminate Hamas. “This is Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' in Arabic,” he said on television, showing the volume on Remembrance Day. “It was found in Gaza: This is how they raise their children,” the prime minister said. He then again attacked the Hague court for failing to close the case of allegations against Israel of possible genocide (the decisions that a UN Security Council is expected to make next Wednesday). “In the name of the new Nazis, South Africa brought the charges, not threw them down the stairs,” he thundered. Finally, he denied a political cooldown toward Egypt, instead confirming his accusations against Qatar over Hamas while praising Doha's efforts regarding the hostages.


In-depth analysis

Israel-Hamas, The Hague in Tel Aviv: Preventing the genocide in Gaza

Fighting continues in the southern Gaza Strip

Meanwhile, on the 113th day of the war, Israel continues to bomb Khan Yunis, the Hamas stronghold in southern Gaza, where there is intense fighting, even at close range, between Israeli commandos and militants from the Islamic faction. According to the military spokesman, over “100 terrorists were killed” last week. According to the NYT, the US, Arab countries and Israel itself are “working on a plan that would provide for the release of the hostages, a ceasefire, the revision of the Palestinian Authority and the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel in return for the creation of one Palestinian state”.

Pro-Palestine marches

In-depth analysis

Pro-Palestine marches and sit-ins in many cities. Tension in Milan. PHOTO


  • A plan drawn up by Josep Borrell to end the conflict in the Middle East, based on the urgency with which the European Union must address the humanitarian situation in Gaza, the war and the terrorist attacks. To do this, the EU must prepare for the future security of Israelis and Palestinians, for the stabilization of the occupied territories and for a rapid recovery. Such post-war preparation inevitably includes an initiative to end long-standing conflicts in the region

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  • Borrell warns that it is necessary to promote a comprehensive peace as soon as possible because, in the absence of a process to achieve the two-state solution, any governance and security mechanisms put in place in Gaza or elsewhere will be perceived as an extension of the occupation. This leads will result in a denial of Palestinian rights and will therefore lead to further security risks for the region and Europe

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  • The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs guarantees that there is no other credible and comprehensive solution than that of an independent Palestinian state existing side by side with Israel in peace and security, with full normalization and development of substantial security and economic cooperation between Israel and Palestine and the region, including the major Arab states

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