Two climate activists throw soup at the Mona Lisa painting

Two climate activists throw soup at the Mona Lisa painting in the Louvre in Paris

Two climate activists threw soup cans at “The Mona Lisa” this Sunday. also known as La Gioconda, Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece exhibited at the Louvre, whose original canvas is protected by a glass panel installed in 2005.

The two women filmed during their nearly two-minute action identified themselves as members of the Riposte Alimentaire group. (food reaction), They threw the orange soup and they quickly passed the wooden barriers surrounding the painting.

“What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and long-lasting food? Our agricultural system is sick,” one of the activists shouted in French, raising her fist.

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Fast, Staff at the Louvre, the world's most visited museum, placed black plaques to prevent the public from filming the scene.

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The room containing Da Vinci's masterpiece (Salle des Etats) was evacuated to begin cleaning work.

The group described the soup throwing as “the starting signal of (a) civil resistance campaign, with a clear demand that benefits everyone: the social security of sustainable food.”

This Sunday's action coincides with the uprising by French farmers who have blocked hundreds of kilometers of roads for days to demand better wages, fewer environmental regulations and more protectionism.

“La Gioconda,” considered the most famous painting in the world, was recently the subject of another symbolic attack when a cake was thrown at him in May 2022.

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In addition, in recent months Various activists carried out actions against works in various museums around the world.

In October 2022, two young men wearing “Just Stop Oil” T-shirts poured tomato soup on Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers,” which were also protected by glass, at the National Gallery Museum in London.