Drought in France, golf courses continue to be irrigated. Activists fill the holes with concrete

In southern France, activists are campaigning for the climate out Extinction Rebellion they filled the holes from a few golf courses to protest with concrete The Liberation that structures get to proceed water the lawn, while in over 100 communities, residents are unable to consume excess water due to drought. The French environment minister raised the drought alert level in early August “Alarm” to “crisis“. This means that the water can only be disinfected for reasons health, civil security, nutrition and sanitation purposes. Prohibited practices include washing the car and watering the lawn at home irrigate the cultivated fieldswith enormous damage to agriculture.

«Thus denouncing the water grab industry of the privilegedAction Kirikou activists sabotaged the golf courses of Vieille Toulouse and Blagnacpermanently plugging holes and damaging turf,” read an Instagram post from Extinction Rebellion’s Toulouse division. In France, despite the restrictions, golf course managers are still allowed to water their lawns as long as activity takes place in the area night hours and is reduced to a minimum that must not be exceeded 30 percent of the amount of water normally used.

As in much of Europe, the France is in the middle of a very serious one drought. During the month of July they scarcely fell on land 9.7mm raina negative record that has not been published since 1961. According to forecasts, the harvest of Corn from 2022 will be from 18.5 percent lower compared to 2018. Despite these continued conditions, “irrigation of golf courses is exceptionally allowed due to the enormous cost of maintaining these courses for the wealthy,” the activists’ statement said.

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