Italy more important than the EU Meloni wants quotpaternalismquot finish

Italy more important than the EU: Meloni wants "paternalism" finish in Brussels

Italy more important than EU Meloni wants to end Brussels’ “paternalism”

10/01/2022, 19:13

The winner of the election, Giorgia Meloni, is likely to soon be Italy’s new prime minister. In her first public speech after the election, she invokes nationalism. In the future, Italy’s own interests must prevail over those of the EU.

According to the likely next prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, Italy in the future will focus more on its own concerns. Right-wing politics announced this in their first public speech after winning parliamentary elections nearly a week ago. “Italy must go back to defending its national interests first,” Meloni said in Milan. “That will change in the next few months.”

Far-right party leader Fratelli d’Italia added that this does not mean a negative attitude towards others, but a positive attitude towards oneself. Meloni thinks that Italy allows itself to be bossed around by European partners and Brussels and does not have equal rights. She also made this claim during the election campaign and then, as the strongest party in a right-wing alliance, won an absolute majority in parliament last Sunday.

It pursues a nationalist and protectionist policy. Meloni said other European countries are also putting their own interests ahead of those of the EU. This can be seen as a criticism of the federal government, which is putting together an aid package of up to 200 billion euros for the Germans in the fight against the energy crisis. In Italy, this was interpreted as a lack of solidarity – even by Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

Division of ministries not yet clear

Meloni had not appeared publicly for days after election night and claimed she wanted to work undisturbed and focus on pressing issues. Only in the next few weeks is she likely to receive a mandate from the president to form a government. In her first guest appearance at an event promoted by the agricultural association Coldiretti, the 45-year-old farmer emphasized that the fight against high costs is currently a priority.

Meloni said states shouldn’t simply compensate for inflation by helping their citizens. “Because that’s how we deliver the money to speculators,” said the politician, adding: “We have to fight speculation.” Before the performance, Meloni met with his ally Silvio Berlusconi from the Forza Italia party. In addition, there is the Lega de Matteo Salvini in the legal alliance. This week, Italy has been speculating heavily on how the ministries will be divided between the three parties. Meloni did not elaborate on this.