43 Cuban rafters were arrested this Tuesday after landing in the Marquesas Caysan uninhabited island west of Key West, reported in a tweet US Border Patrol Agent Walter N. Slosar.
that same officer he showed among other Nine Cuban migrants remained in US custody after landing at Coco Plum Beach, Marathon Cay. They were grown men traveling in a rustic boat.
For his part The crew of the Manowar ship transferred six migrants to the Bahamas this Tuesday, including an undetermined number of CubansThe US Coast Guard said in a statement.
This institution confirmed that the people transferred were from the Bahamas, Jamaica, Cuba and China. No injuries were reported.
The group was arrested because the ship Cutter Resolute alerted Miami sector guards about it a suspected smuggling company from people on Sunday after a rescue 12 miles east of Lake Worth Inlet.
At about 8:30 a.m. that day, Two people were arrested on “national security investigations”. further questioned,” adds the US Coast Guard.
“Going to sea in primitive makeshift boats with no safety or life-saving equipment is extremely dangerous,” said Mark Cobb, a lieutenant commander with the 7th Coast Guard District.
The current migration crisis is already the largest Cuba has experienced in its entire history. Between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022, 224,607 Cubans arrived in the United States, an average of 615 per day.