“I will stop here for the time being”, so Serena Borton last October 27th, at the end of the announcement of the removal of Memo Remigi from Oggi is another day (and from Rai) after the case broke out two weeks ago and is still being discussed. The presenter breaks the silence and does so during the interview granted to Francesca Fialdini in the episode of Da noi… aired free of charge today, Sunday 6 November 2022.
The support comes from a photo shared by Fialdini showing Bortone surrounded by stable affections known to the public post Rai 1 day. Also in the shot is a smiling Memo Remigi, where the question is inevitable: “How did you personally witness the Memo and Jessica Morlacchi affair?” Serena Bortone’s gaze darkens: “It really was a great pain, a big disappointment because, as I’m sure you’ve understood, I’ve always tried to have authentic relationships (and work for a newspaper, you know), relationships that are always based on understanding, trust and happiness. A message that made me very bitter.”
He continues and the end of the answer becomes like an underscoring of the punishment inflicted on the singer: “In life (and even more so in work) I cannot close my eyes to an injustice so… very sad”.
Francesca Fialdini closes the bracket by adding her point of view and siding with Jessica Morlacchi: “Let’s say hello to Jessica… I want to say that the mistakes must be paid for in the right measure. However, it is important to give a signal of this kind, because this is Rai”.
Memo Remigi: “Moral destroyed. Now I need rest and care, I will protect myself”
Meanwhile, Memo Remigi stated in a note less than a week ago that Rai’s determination was “unfair due to the disproportionate severity of the verdict”:
I’m morally broken. At my age, it is not easy to overcome the serious state of mind that the Rai company, with which I have linked my entire artistic life, has put me in.
He adds that he has “also received messages of appreciation and solidarity from people within the company on my behalf.” For Remigi, however, it is an extremely delicate time: “Now I have to rest, of stillness and caring, hoping to regain my strength and calm. However, I have given Avv a mandate. Giorgio Assumma from Rome to examine the most appropriate way to protect my dignity as a man and as an artist from a legal point of view”.