Tahiti, November 5, 2022 – The Terevau company has thrown a big punch in the pond by announcing on social media on Saturday morning its decision to stop transporting “any high school student, day student or boarding student” three months after the problems started the non-participation in the tender of the DGEE.
“To all our school children, from this day onwards, the Terevau to Tatou Pahi is forced to stop transporting all high school students, day students or boarding students.” The announcement by the Terevau company, made on the social network Facebook on Saturday morning, risks causing cold sweats for students and parents on the sister island. “Since the start of the school year in August 2022 until the end of the All Saints’ holidays, we have embarked more than 1,500 students free of charge, hoping to find a solution with the DGEE,” the company continued. “Leaving a single student on the platform was out of the question for us. Beyond the commercial aspect, these are our children.
The decision should therefore cause some unrest from Monday morning. Remember that at the beginning of this sensitive issue is the question of transporting the 486 students from the sister island who did not have a place in a boarding school and who commute every day to get to their facility. . Therefore, before the start of the school year last August, the Ministry of Education launched a tender for three groups: the first for students enrolled in urban areas, the second for those enrolled outside of Papeete, and a third for 170 students enrolled in are enrolled in a boarding school. The Aremiti company was awarded the contract for students going to school in Papeete, while the Vaeara’i was chosen to transport students from the other two batches. The Terevau company did not respond to the tender. And that is precisely the source of dissatisfaction, since last year it offered “timetables adapted to students”, according to students’ parents.