A Saturday of renewed tense demonstrations in Tel Aviv and

A Saturday of renewed tense demonstrations in Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel

On Saturday evening, thousands of people marched in cities across Israel. All of these Israelis gathered again to express their anger at the government's inaction on the hostage issue since October 7th. Three separate demonstrations took place in Tel Aviv: one to demand the rapid return of people held in Gaza, another to demand a ceasefire against the war, and a final one, that of the “anti-Bibi”, calling for early elections and demanded the withdrawal from Benjamin Netanyahu.

Published on: 01/28/2024 – 00:43

2 minutes

With our special correspondent in Tel Aviv, Alice Froussard

“Shame”, “Shame”, chanted the demonstrators who gathered in Habima Square in Tel Aviv. Khinaya, in her 50s, traveled from Eilat, where her children live, previously living in towns near Gaza.

In his hands a sign in Hebrew. “What does it say?” That we want a vote. Vote now! » she calls.

This Israeli woman points out that the government is not helping. Benyamin Netanyahu and his ministers must go, says Khinaya.

Furthermore, Manu is categorical: “The Israeli Prime Minister is taking the hostages hostage,” he says. “Because of Netanyahu, they have no chance of getting out alive. If they get out alive, it will mean the end of Netanyahu's term as prime minister. And that's really the last thing he wants. »

In this square, some are calling for new elections, for a resignation, but everyone wants the same thing, assures Manu, to put an end to the one nicknamed “Bibi”. “On a day like this, when it was cold and raining, people left their homes and came here and to other cities across the country. In Haifa, Jerusalem, Beersheba, Netanya, Hadera, everywhere. So we hope it happens quickly. »

Around the crowd, some protesters were attacked by government defenders, a sign of the division in Israeli society.

Only when there was a ceasefire for a few days did Israel bring the hostages back alive. In order for them to return home, we need a ceasefire.

David, 25, wants “peace for all people who live from the Jordan to the sea”

Alice Froussard

This Saturday there were clashes between demonstrators and the police

Around 200 protesters clashed with police on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, the Haaretz daily reports. Police forcibly removed protesters who repeatedly tried to block the street, and some of them were arrested. Also note that today, according to the Israeli newspaper, a police officer was filmed hitting a protester during a demonstration in Jerusalem.

Also read: The UN agency Unrwa is caught up in the conflict over Gaza