After Sashas drug use exposed by Xuxa Joao Figueiredo confirms

After Sasha’s drug use exposed by Xuxa, João Figueiredo confirms his career’s end and gushes, ‘I’m not anymore’

João Figueiredo, the husband of Sascha, It returned to the limelight late last year. The singer confirmed the end of his career in gospel music and will follow in a different genre from now on. The revelation hit some of Sasha’s husband’s followers like a bombshell.

There were those who believed that because of this, João Figueiredo gave up his faith and all his religious principles. Therefore, the musician decided to make a statement on social media to clear up any doubts.

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“I’m a singer. I started out in the gospel genre and I’m not part of that market anymore. That doesn’t mean I’m not a Christian anymore,” Sasha’s husband began.

He continued, “It just means I’m not going to market that kind of music. You’ll see me singing Christian songs in church, on Instagram I might even want to post songs with that connotation. I haven’t given up my faith. I remain in the same faith and serve Jesus.”

It’s worth mentioning that João Figueiredo currently has quite a few songs outside of the gospel genre.

Sasha's husband announces end after revealing who Xuxa is (Photo: Reproduction)Sasha and João Figueiredo (Photo: Reproduction)

Xuxa exposes Sasha’s drug use

Xuxa recently surprised everyone when she revealed that Sasha had already offered her a marijuana cigarette.

That way, it’s easy to see that this isn’t taboo between the two. It is worth remembering that Sacha is currently married to João Figueiredo and in any case avoids engaging in public controversy.

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announces João Figueirado

Last Wednesday evening (10), João Figueiredo announced on his social networks the return of his Instagram page with Sasha Meneghel. The site is nothing more than an account to just talk about the travels the couple takes together.

“Do you remember our travel page?” Sascha’s husband asked. And shortly afterwards he revealed: “We’re back! Follow us to follow our travels.”