Alane from “BBB 24” clogs the house's toilet and the brothers come together to help clean the toilet. Web Responsive

1 of 1 brothers came together to clean the toilet

Brothers got together to clean the toilet. reproduction

“Big Brother Brasil 24” doesn’t just consist of moments of tension between the participants. This Saturday (13) the house went into turmoil to clean the toilet after Alane clogged the toilet. The public made the moment go viral on social media.

Offense. Targeted by comments about her body on “BBB 24,” Yasmin Brunet is defended by her mother: “I’m embarrassed to hear so much aggression,” says Luiza

“She dropped one… there,” MC Bin Laden joked. The other brothers then started shouting and laughing to get him to stop talking.

Last Next “BBB 24”: Luiza Brunet and MC Daniel react to comments from participants about Yasmin Brunet