1664807666 Alessia Marcuzzi from the window sill to the bed Dizzying

Alessia Marcuzzi, from the window sill to the bed: Dizzying detail PHOTOS

Alessia Marcuzzi is always amazed on Instagram: the beautiful presenter has published a new heartache picture on her profile. Alessia Marcuzzi in front of the windowsillMarcuzzi (Instagram photo)

The summer of 2022 was pretty disastrous for them most famous couples of Italy: after the break between Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi, between Alessia Marcuzzi and Paolo Calabresi Marconi. The two officially announced their separation on September 27th.

After the important stories with Simone Inzaghi (from whom her son Tommaso was born), Carlo Cudicini, Pietro Sermonti and Francesco Facchinetti (from whose union Mia was born), the presenter had been in a relationship with Marconi since 2013. The crisis was already in the air, but the split still came as a surprise to fans. Despite this overwhelming time, Marcuzzi always finds time to share disarming photographs on his Instagram profile. Today, the historic face of Mediaset (he stopped working with the famous company in June 2021) left everyone speechless with a chilling image.


Alessia Marcuzzi, from the window sill to the bed: the photo is shocking

Alessia Marcuzzi in front of the windowsillAlessia Marcuzzi (photo from Instagram)

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Alessia Marcuzzi has once again supplanted all her followers by sharing a devastating picture among her own stories from Instagram. The Roman is a provocative bombshell and her shot has already made the rounds of the net at great speed.

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The presenter lies comfortably stretched out on the bed, wearing a T-shirt that covers little or nothing. His Threshold comes out with great danger: one sees practically everything. Despite the passing years, the 1972 class has an enviable body and continues to provoke fans with its monstrous curves.