Alexei Navalny Vladimir Putin39s main opponent dies in prison in

Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin's main opponent, dies in prison in the Russian Arctic

Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin's main Russian opponent and the Kremlin's main opponent, died in a prison Northern polar circle He was nicknamed Polar Wolf – one of the toughest prisons in the world – where he served a 19-year sentence. “On February 16, 2024, in Prison No. 3, the prisoner Navalny AA “He felt bad after a walk,” the Arctic region’s correctional authorities said Jamal it is a statement.

“All necessary resuscitation measures were carried out but did not produce any positive result. Emergency doctors confirmed the patient's death. “The causes of death are being determined,” he concluded.

Navalny For him he was an “insignificant” man. Kremlin Until one morning in 2020, he was poisoned with the strongest poison and his figure emerged from the shadows. From then on he was portrayed as a nationalist or fascist who attacked the Putin regime.

Alexei Navalny Vladimir Putin39s main opponent dies in prison inNavalny called the war in Ukraine “the stupidest and most senseless of the 21st century.” Photo: AFP

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Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin's greatest enemy, has died

The most important Putin's opponent He was serving a 19-year prison sentence for “extremism.” The supporters of Navalny They claimed they wanted to isolate him on the eve of the March presidential election.

The 47-year-old leader studied law at the Moscow State University, where he graduated in 1998. He earned a degree in finance and securities. As a student, he was a member of student movements and the liberal Yabloko party.

1708093459 427 Alexei Navalny Vladimir Putin39s main opponent dies in prison inAfter recovering from poisoning in Germany, Navalny returned to Russia, where he was immediately detained until his death. Photo: AFP

Navalny founded the Anti-corruption project who investigated and uncovered crimes in Russia. He had a blog that became a crucial platform for complaints against the US Kremlin. The activist emerged as a leader of anti-government protests against elections he believes were fraudulent.

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One morning in 2020, Russia woke up to the news of a poisoning: Navalny was in serious condition after an attack. That same year, he posed as the head of the FSB and tricked a Russian agent into admitting that the Kremlin had tried to kill him after he put Novichok “in his underwear,” according to El Mundo.

After recovering in Germany, Navalny returned to Russia, where he was immediately detained until his death.

1708093462 217 Alexei Navalny Vladimir Putin39s main opponent dies in prison inThe European Union believes that “the Russian regime is solely responsible for the death of its opponent Alexei Navalny in prison,” said European Council President Charles Michel. Photo: AFP

However, prison did not dampen his determination. In the last hearings and in the last messages sent through his lawyers on social networks, he did not stop criticizing Putin, whom he described as a “grandfather hiding in a bunker.”

Navalny referred to the war in Ukraine as “The stupidest and most senseless thing of the 21st century”. In his online messages he joked about the humiliations inflicted on him by the prison services.

1708093466 315 Alexei Navalny Vladimir Putin39s main opponent dies in prison inNavalny founded the Anti-Corruption Project, which investigated and exposed crimes in Russia. Photo: AFP

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“The Russian regime bears sole responsibility,” says the European Union

On February 1, his team sent a message to social networks calling for demonstrations Russia ahead of presidential elections on March 15-17 that are likely to confirm Putin in power.

The Russian president's victory appears to be a fact as opponents, of whom Navalny was the most prominent, are either imprisoned or in exile.

1708093468 480 Alexei Navalny Vladimir Putin39s main opponent dies in prison in “On February 16, 2024, inmate Navalny AA felt unwell after a walk in detention center No. 3.” Photo: AFP

The European Union believes that “the Russian regime alone” is responsible for the death of its opponent in prison Alexei Navalnysaid European Council President Charles Michel. “He fought for the values ​​of freedom and democracy. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his ideals,” Michel noted in X. “Fighters die, but the fight for freedom never ends,” he added.