In the wee hours of the party at BBB 23 (Globo), Amanda told Aline Wirley that she had to lie to Cara de Sapato during the anxiety crisis he was having on the side so as not to make it worse.
Amanda: “I even lied. I saw that he had frequent tachycardia. I said I was 90 then he said ok. I lied as a friend. Because when I said he was 120… Then we started talking, I grabbed his wrist to massage it and I saw it go down.
What happened?
While in the room with Amanda, the fighter commented that he wasn’t feeling well and was having another bout of anxiety.
Symptoms of Sapato included dizziness, freezing hands, and lots of racing thoughts.
The doctor counted Sapato’s heartbeats, sang, massaged and guided the fighter.
Amanda: “Did you start with bad thinking, rather anxious?”
shoe face: “Yeah, I don’t know… it’s ‘boring’, too much”.
Amanda: “We’re human, we’ve been through a lot in the last 24 hours and you’re very sensitive.”
After that, MC Guimê joined the two and started singing to calm the fighter.