Arisa and weight loss In a year she changed her

Arisa and weight loss: In a year, she changed her body. The secret? A “unique diet”

Away with the glasses (for years), the hair (in changing phases) and the clothes of the time (2009) from «Sincerità». And now, in his opinion, the extra pounds are gone. The Genoese singer Arisa, 39 years old next August 20, shows herself naked and not only physically. On social media, where she is very active, and on the stage of the “Little Summer Tour” organized by International Music and Arts, she appears relaxed and slimmer than a year ago. A metamorphosis that we could also see at the last Sanremo Festival. Although it is not the first time that the artist has been on a (more or less forced) diet, the questions spontaneously arise: what is the miracle diet? What sport did you do or do you do?
Last January, during an episode of “Amici” in which Arisa will also return as a teacher starting September 18, even Maria De Filippi tried to investigate.
“How skinny you are!” he asked her, trying to get a clue as to how she’d managed to slim down. The response from Rosalba Pippa (that’s the artist’s real name) was a clear reference to Milly Carlucci’s Rai program – “Dancing with the Stars” – which the singer won together with dancer Vito Coppola at the end of 2021. with whom had a flirtation.: «Uh, because dancing dancing …».
nothing else. Arisa preferred to stop there in a sympathetically conspiratorial manner without going into further detail.

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