1660072454 Ashton Kutcher revealed he was suffering from a strange illness

Ashton Kutcher revealed he was suffering from a strange illness that was bringing him to the brink of death

Ashton Kutcher revealed he couldn't see, hear or walk due to an autoimmune disease (The Grosby Group)Ashton Kutcher revealed he couldn’t see, hear or walk due to an autoimmune disease (The Grosby Group)

US-American actor Ashton Kutcher44, revealed that he had a few years ago rare autoimmune disease left him without the ability to do so see, hear or go.

“About two years ago I had a weird and super rare form of vasculitis that left me blind, destroyed my hearing, all my balance,” Kutcher in a preview of Running Wild with Bear Grylls: The Challenge, which he recently attended.

So said the “That ’70s Show” star. It took him about a year to recover.

was diagnosed vasculitisan autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the blood vessels and restricts blood flow, and while there are several types, it can affect more than one vital organ.

“You don’t appreciate the things you have until you lose them” Kutcher said about his experience. “I didn’t know if I could see or hear again. He didn’t know if he could walk again. I feel lucky to be alive”he added.

The No Strings Attached actor, who has now fully recovered from his terrible health condition, said so he doesn’t allow a challenge to get in his way.

“The moment you realize that life’s obstacles were made specifically for you, to teach you what you need, that’s when life begins to be fun,” said Kutcher, who has two children with his wife, actress Mila Kunis, share. “You start navigating above your problems instead of living under them” added.

The chapter premieres this month on the National Geographic channel.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis at the Oscars (Reuters)Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis at the Oscars (Portal)

Days ago it was the actor Brad Pitt who revealed in a dialogue with GQ magazine that he thinks he is suffering from it Prosopagnosia, or face blindness, a rare condition characterized by the inability to recognize people’s faces.

The Oscar winner for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood told the above publication that he has trouble recognizing people and worries his disorder has led people to see him that way “distant, inaccessible“.

“No one believes me!”he said, recalling that it is also an obstacle in social situations, especially at parties.

The symptoms the actor talks about are consistent with the neurological condition called prosopagnosia, also known as “Face blindness”. This is a form of visual agnosia (inability to process sensory information).

This disorder is characterized by the inability to recognize faces, be they family members or even one’s own face. Its uniqueness is that the person suffering from it can distinguish between the different parts that make up a face. That is, you can see the eyes, mouth, nose, and the parts that connect a face, but you cannot piece that information together and create the image of a facial expression.

Someone with this condition can look in the mirror and not realize that they are looking at themselves. or when they see a photograph, old or new, they also lack the ability to recognize themselves.

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